Thursday, February 28, 2013

Tender here but no arterial pulsation - temporal arteritis ?

Tender here but no arterial pulsation - temporal arteritis ?

This condition is very serious as it can suddenly lead to blindness of the eye on the affected side. This is a vascular headache with blockage of the blood vessel.
One clue to this is pain on chewing, as is generally feeling unwell.
The artery is inflamed so will be swollen and tender, but unlike in migraine will not be pulsing. In migraine the artery is tender and its pulsation is more obvious than usual.
The most common reason by far, for tenderness here without arterial pulsation, is that the Temporalis muscle is tight and tender, rather than anything to do with the artery.
Temporal arteritis systemic disturbances include weight loss, malaise, weakness and fever.
If you suspect temporal arteritis, get medical advice today. I had one patient lose the sight in an eye a day or so after I put them on cortisone, while waiting to see the eye doctor. I didn't realize at that time, how big a dose of cortisone was needed.
People generally need cortisone treatment for 3 to 5 years for this condition. It is serious.

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