Course of
Understanding the course and prognosis in WAS is critical.
Will people recover from this common injury? Is so, when? If the injury is
transient and self-limiting, there would be no need for major prevention and
intervention strategies. The natural course and prognosis of WAD has been a
controversial matter. Some claim that the prognosis is solely determined by the
physical injury and its severity, and that pre- and post-psychosocial factors
are not relevant in recovery. Others claim that persistent WAD is mainly a
‘psycho-cultural’ illness, and refer to studies from Lithuania and Greece where
there is no or little awareness or reporting of WAD resulting from a whiplash
mechanism. Studies from these countries report that 2% or less of study
participants report long-lasting symptoms after car collisions. However,
drawing firm conclusions based on the findings of these studies is
inappropriate, since ‘psychocultural’ factors were not studied per se.
Nevertheless, when persons who do not experience neck pain following a car
collision have been asked to report on which symptoms they would expect after
neck injury or minor head injury, those from Lithuania and Greece do not expect
to have as many symptoms or do not have as long-lasting symptoms compared to
persons in Canada.
In the majority of studies, the recovery rate is
substantially lower than recovery rates reported in Greece and Lithuania. Some
report a 66-68% recovery rate at one year after the injury, whereas others
report a less than 40% recovery rate at a similar time point. Differences in
recovery rates are at least partially due to selection bias. For instance, in
the study by Miettinen et al., only 58% of the invited study population was
followed up 12 months post injury, so it was unknown what the recovery rate was
for the 42% of participants who could not be contacted at follow-up.
Prognostic Factors
A prognostic factor is
a factor that is independently associated with the prognosis, and which can
contribute to or work against recovery from a condition. Some factors known to
contribute to a poor prognosis in WAD are similar to those for other forms of
persistent neck pain. These factors include, among others, passive coping
strategies, poor mental health, high level of stress, high pain intensity and
more ‘associated’ symptoms, such as arm pain, headache and nausea. Similar to
the literature on neck pain in the general population, gender does not seem to
be a clear prognostic factor in WAD, after adjustments have been made for
psychosocial factors. This suggests that the observed poor prognosis in females
in some studies might be explained in terms of the psychosocial factors rather
than the biological factors of gender. Furthermore, societal factors, such as
insurance systems with possibilities to claim for pain and suffering, and
extensive healthcare utilization in the early stage of the injury, have been
suggested to be associated with delayed recovery in WAD.
Surprisingly, the bulk of evidence suggests that
crash-related factors (e.g. impact direction, awareness of collision, head
position) are not associated with the prognosis.
There is evidence that people’s lowered expectations of
recovery and return to work, assessed early in the process of recovery, are an
important predictor for long-lasting WAD, even after controlling for other
factors, such as prior health, pain areas and acute post-traumatic stress
symptoms. An expectation is defined
as a degree of belief that some as being tied to an outcome, such as a recovery
state or return to work, rather than the individual behaviors required to
achieve that outcome (self-efficacy expectations). It is believed to be
influenced by personal and psychological features, such as anxiety,
self-efficacy, coping abilities and fear, and recent studies have demonstrated
that in those with WAD, initial pain, depressive symptomatology, and some crash
and demographic factors were associated with recovery and return-to-work
Health expectations are postulated to be primarily learned
from the cultural environment, and based on ‘prior knowledge’. The mechanism by
which expectations influence emotional and physical reactions may also actually
affect the autonomic nervous system, involving biochemical processes, which may
explain some of the power observed in studies of the placebo and nocebo effect.
These mechanisms help to explain why persons who strongly anticipate they will
recover really do, and why strong expectations about bad health actually lead
to bad health. A concept that is closely related to expectations is a person’s
belief—the lens through which a person views the world—which is shaped by the
environment. In a study where injured persons were asked about their belief of
the origin of their neck pain (casual belief), those who believed that
something serious had happened to their neck had greater perceived disability
during follow-up compared to those who did not have such beliefs.
WAD and Widespread
One important aspect about the course of recovery from WAD
is whether the neck injury is a trigger for subsequent widespread body pain.
This has been suggested from cross-sectional studies, but knowing whether widespread
pain came before the neck injury remains unclear from this type of study
design. A potential aetiological explanation is a neurophysiological
disturbance in the peripheral and central nervous system, which, in some
stances, leads to an increased sensitivity to pain in other ‘uninjured’ areas.
Another possible explanation for widespread pain is that new tissue damage may
result from an altered pattern of movement in the body due to the neck pain.
The exact aetiology of widespread pain is that new tissue damage may result
from an altered pattern of movement in the body due to the neck pain. The exact
aetiology of widespread pain is probably complex and multifactorial, but there
are no indications that it would be specific to WAD. It can also occur after
surgical intervention or any tissue damage. In addition, large prospective
studies on pain of other aetiology have demonstrated that psychosocial factors
at work, repetitive strains or other physical strains at work, awareness of
symptoms and illness behavior may increase the risk of development of
widespread pain. Thus, it seems that biological as well as psychological and
social factors contribute to the development of widespread pain.
Prospective studies on WAD and its association with
widespread pain are sparse and the evidence is not clear. The results from one
study suggest a relationship between the onset of neck pain or other associated
symptoms as well as self-perceived injury severity, after an MVC, and
subsequent widespread pain. However, age, gender, health behavior and somatic
symptoms prior to collision were at least as important. Another study
investigated the incidence of onset of more extensive pain during 12 months of
follow- up of WAD claimants, and associated factors with such an outcome. In
that study, a less conservative definition of widespread pain was used and
probably have resulted in higher incidences. The main conclusions were that
widespread pain was common over a 12-month period (21%), but most improved over
the follow- up period. Female gender, poor prior health, greater initial
symptomatology (including pain intensity) and more depressive symptoms were
associated with the development of extensive pain. The authors also found that
local neck/ back pain, raising the question of the potential cause of
widespread pain in other studies.
Work absenteeism and
work disability
Many persons with acute WAD also have some absence from
work, and no clear difference occurs between ‘blue’ and ‘white’ collar workers.
In one population- based study, 46% persons had been off work due to the
injury. A similar figure (49%) was seen in a Dutch study. The majority of
people returned to work within a few days and only 4-9% were reported to be off
work at six months past injury. In a study form the Netherlands, factors
associated with not returning to work were older age and concentration
problems. There was no association between degrees of manual labor, (‘blue’ or
‘white’ collar work).